White People with Black Noses

Deryck Whibley

Lead singer of Sum 41,what a monumental sniffer. It's like a white Al Roker only with spiky hair.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The prominent proboscis on this star is responsible for a new script in working progress: "Schnoz in the City"

Ringo Starr

This heavy duty English beak made its debut 50 years ago and will always be a classic.

Ellen DeGeneres

The homoerotic olfactols on her will be sniffing out the best thing "Arrested Development" had to offer for a long time.

Dee Snider

This 80's starlet has got me feeling like I really am not gunna take it, once and for all.

Enjoy this motif of surreal nose animation

Ashley Simpson

Although she has gone through the magic of Hollywood and lost her triumphant snout, this once major league horn will always stay in our hearts.

Micheal Richards

Its apparent where he gets his racial tension from, that grandiose sniffer

Kathy Griffin

curious about Kathy's award? It's for best beak in television series.

Rod Stewart

Awe, Mr.Stewart... has he told you lately that he loves you? From the look of those trousers the real action is all in that nose of his.

Micheal Jackson

I really don't have to say anything here,
 but lets call it the Ol' Switcharoo

Sneeze your snot: